Saturday, August 7, 2010

Perfect Friday Evening

Happy Weekend!  Mr. SP left work early yesterday so that we could spend the evening together on the lake.  It's so nice to go when the water is smooth and there are few boats out and about.  We cruised around for a couple of hours and then had a picnic next to the mountains while floating.  It was such a pleasant and relaxing evening!

Have a great weekend!  I've got a few last minute things that I want to accomplish before school starts on Monday.  Other than that, I hope to have a fun filled and relaxing two days.  What are your plans?


  1. Just gorgeous! We can never have enough brilliant sunsets or sunrises in our lives, I always think.

  2. Paula, what a fabulous Friday! And good luck on Monday!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Your pictures are just beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I came over to meet you and love yours. I hope you don't mind if I follow! Carla

  4. Now that's the way to start off a weekend Paula. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures. And you look as cute as can be.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  5. Beautiful pictures. How wonderful to have a restful peaceful day.

  6. Love these pictures! I can't believe school started for you today. Your kids are back? It's still mid summer here.

  7. Great photos. I could sit and look at that sunset and feel calm.


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