Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"To Do" Before Fall

There are a few a lot of things I'd like to accomplish outside before it gets cold.  Two involve improving the curb appeal of the outside of our house.

This is our front entrance now.  Our new sidewalk and porch landing has made the biggest difference in the entrance to our home.

Now for what I'd like to accomplish as soon as possible before fall.  The light was a cheap, temporary solution years ago.  It is too small and has seen better days.  I haven't found a mailbox nicer than this one so I may keep it.  The hearts and ivy look a little bit 80ish but I can live with it.

We added the roof over the porch a long time ago.  There are remnants of paint on the brick from the small covering that used to hang over the door.  I'd really like to remove the paint.   Anyone know a trick or a product to use?

We had a new door made in May and haven't gotten around to painting it and installing the hardware on it so that we can hang it.  Soon.

The mail slot is sturdy but pitted.  I wouldn't mind painting it but we'll see what Mr. SP has to say about that.

I actually painted the threshold last fall with what I thought was the correct paint.  It was something the previous owner left in the basement and it ends up that it's not the paint for the threshold, it's paint for the floor on the screened porch.  I'll need to buy paint that is a more pleasing color.

A new doormat is needed.  I haven't had one there in a long time!

Our side entrance needs some added curb appeal, too.  I love planting annuals for seasonal color and would like to have a planter on the porch landing.  Sweet Mr. SP is crafting one for me and should soon be finished with it.  We bought a new hose holder and Mr. SP installed it just after I snapped this picture.  You can see it below.  I'll worry about the rest of the landscaping next spring unless I think of something that would look great here.  I'd love to have a Japanese Maple in this spot but the deer would eat it all too quickly.

A few stepping stones will make a nice path from the sidewalk to the hose.  I could buy some or I could use Greenstone from my stash.  I hadn't noticed how black our brick is in this area.  I'll have to consult with Mr. SP on that.  Yuck!

One thing to check off the list!  This hose holder looks a lot better than our old one.

I like having goals and having them makes me work to accomplish them.  I should be able to accomplish everything on this "to do" list before it is truly fall. We'll see!

Do you have things you like to accomplish before fall? 


  1. Love your new entrance! SOundslike you have some great plans for the fall. Can't wait to see how it all comes together. I am sure it will be as beautiful as the rest of your house!

  2. I have no doubt that you can complete your curb appeal for fall. My problem would be shopping to find what I need. Hate that part!

  3. Paula, all your ideas sound just wonderful- I love your pretty house!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. The work you've done outside your house looks so nice Paula. It does feel good to mark something off your list doesn't it?

    My goal before the end of the year is to get all my closet painted. Get pictures on the walls. Find a small secretary desk for my guest room. Find new coffee table and end table for the den.

    I don't know about this product for brick but it sure works on wood and fabric. Goof Off. It's amazing how it will take dried paint right up. Give it a try on the brick. You might need a stiff brush to help out. Otherwise, what about gasoline?

  5. I just love the new stone work. It's so pretty. I know you'll have it all spiffy in no time. Love that new hose thingee. It's pretty. I wouldn't dare show you mine!

  6. I love your house! The side entrance is so cozy. If you are like me I am wishing for fall. You be sure and keep the pics coming.

  7. I really just love your house. It doesn't look like a cookie cutter house. It had character!

    Where did you get that neat hose holder??

    You've got some good ideas. Can't wait to see what kind of lights you choose. :)

  8. your home already looks like the "after" on that show curb appeal! the changes you want to make will just be the icing on the cake! thanks for visiting me and for the sweet comment on the foot board sign @cottage romance! ~DD

  9. WOW! I love your brick paver walkway. Your entryway is gorgeous Paula. You are going to make it even more so. I can't wait! :)

  10. I try not to notice the things I need to do outdoors....or indoors for that matter! lol....the front porch looks nice and I love that back porch. Nice.Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Looking good Paula! Yes -- Fall does seem to be sneaking up....fast!

  12. Love that screen porch. Someday. *sigh*

    I think we're neighbors. :)

  13. I hear ya! we need to do some thing around the house before winter aswell.
    Funny - we need a hose catcher too.

    Good luck with your list.
    & keep us posted


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