Monday, August 23, 2010

The Weekend

After five days of 7th graders, I was more than ready for the weekend.  Mr. SP and I headed to the lake on Friday as soon as we both could leave work.  We cruised for a while and then watched the sun go down while we had a picnic.  It doesn't get much better than that!

I have been having trouble with my back ever since I built a pathway from our sidewalk to our hose.  I should have known better than to move heavy rock on my own, but I did it anyway and have been paying the price ever since.  I've been good for the past two weeks and then Thursday night my back really started to give me a fit after I played too much tennis.  I couldn't even bend over to wash my face.  I had a massage Saturday afternoon that relieved some of my pain but I'm still not 100%.  I was able to work in the yard and mow the grass on Saturday, I just had to be very careful not to make sudden movements.  Mr. SP was really sweet on Friday and went extra slow when we got to bumpy spots in the water so that it wouldn't jar me.

A neighbor's cat loves to visit our house to roll around in the Catmint that I have planted in several beds.  Usually she won't let me play with her but she was friendly Saturday night.  I am really allergic to cats but I love them and will risk sneezing to love on one when I have the opportunity.

Mr. SP's sister is visiting for a few days from California and we enjoyed a nice cookout with her and Mr. SP's dad Saturday night.  She's a vegetarian and enjoyed a Boca Burger while the rest of us chowed down on the real stuff. 

I didn't get a lot accomplished this weekend as we went back to the lake on Sunday.  It won't be long before it will be too cold to be on the lake and I want to enjoy it while I can.  Besides, I can do projects any old time. 

I hope my back will continue to get better as the week goes on.  The massage really helped.  One of these days I'm going to have a massage for pleasure instead of because I'm injured.  I'm supposed to play in a singles tennis league this fall that starts on Thursday night and I hope that I'll be up to it.  I haven't sweated in three days and I'm having serious withdrawal symptoms.  I think I may get high on sweat just like that cat that visits my yard gets high on my Catmint.

Have a great week!


  1. I'd be doing the same thing- enjoy that beautiful lake while you can! Hope you're feeling better soon Paula
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I'm so sorry about your back. Hope it feels better by Thursday so you get to play. Glad you got to have a good time at the lake.

  3. Hoping your back is all healed up for tennis, Paula! Natalie jumped on my back the other week and I could that it was on the verge of doing something crazy. I had to be really careful.

    That is a beautiful cat. He must have been into you (or the mint) b/c he's doing that head tilt thing. ;)

    Glad you got to enjoy that beautiful lake!!

  4. Oh Paula, I am happy you had a great weekend, you needed it! What a beautiful place to recharge, that lake is just gorgeous! Hope you get to feeling better.


  5. Oh, Paula! I knew you were a teacher, and I loved you for it; but a Jr High teacher?! There are special rewards for you in heaven!!

    I'm glad you had a good weekend. Hope tennis is awesome and you enjoy your sweating. It's good for you!

  6. What great photos. I hope your back will get better quickly. Take care of yourself. laurie


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