Monday, August 30, 2010

Where Do You Blog?

Kate of Centsational Girl is hosting a "Where Do You Blog?" party.  I thought that it would be fun to join in the fun.

I blog in a small bedroom that serves as our home office.  This room is kind of a catch-all room.  It houses our computer, Mr. SP's desk, two file cabinets, a display cabinet, a dresser, and quite a few musical instruments.  I wonder how many hours I've spent in this room blogging or doing work for school?  Probably more than I'd care to admit. 

I really can't believe that I'm showing you this space. It's certainly not the prettiest room in our house but it serves its purpose. 

This is where I blog!

Mr. SP made our computer desk. It stays piled with "stuff" despite my efforts to clear it.  The flag over the desk has been in my family for years.  I had it framed for Mr. SP for Christmas one year.  The sword to the right was my dad's from his cadet days at VPI.  Hanging to the left are a few Civil War things.  You can't see any detail in the photo, but the picture hanging under the light is an aerial view of my grandmother's farm.  Mr. SP flew the plane and I took the photo.

This wall will one day be lined with shelves and cabinets.  For now it just is a hodge-podge.  The cabinet is nothing special, but it was in my grandmother's kitchen, so it has sentimental value to me.  The horns over the cabinet are from the store in Vinton, VA that my great aunt and uncle operated.  This piece was in our basement when I was growing up and was used for hanging our farm jackets.  Mama let me have it after my dad died because she never liked it.  Mr. SP keeps his banjos and guitars in this room and he jams in here, too.

This is Mr. SP's desk that he rarely uses.

My clothes won't fit into my one tiny closet and one dresser that is in our bedroom, so the overflow clothes stay in this room.  My grandfather had this dresser made for me using Cherry from the family farm.  I am not crazy about the picture hanging over the dresser, but the man in it reminds me of one of my favorite uncles, so I just can't take it down. 

And there you have it.  This is where I blog and spend many enjoyable hours getting inspiration from other blogs. I'm excited to see where you blog.  Thanks to Kate for hosting the party.


  1. Good morning Paula.. I love the flag above your desk..and the story behind it! Thanks for your visit to my blog.. we all have our comfee space to do our blogging but I might have a problem with that "Buck" looking down at
    Enjoy your week!

  2. Great place to blog! You have so many personal effects in your spare room. Is there anything you and Mr. SP can't do? When you come home one day and find that cherry bureau gone, you might look at Applejack Lane first!

  3. LOVE that neat flag over your desk, Paula. What a cool piece! I saw a "Stelling" case on the floor with Mr. SP's banjo stuff. That's the kind my dad always carried. :) Think it might be what's under my couch! I love that you have a whole room dedicated to office space. That's so cool! :)

  4. Aren't items that our family members have owned and loved so wonderful? You have so many really neat and unusual things from your family. That's awesome!

  5. I love the framed flag. It's sooo cool! That dresser is lovely too and the desk Mr. SP made is fabulous. What a talented family you have. I wish I had an office. I blog from the living room couch.

  6. I love that your hubby MADE the desk. Everything in that room feels so meaningful!

  7. Lucky you, your hub made that desk !!! I really love when people surround themselves with what makes them happy, that's what makes a house a home! Thanks for linking up today, this is so much fun!

  8. Love your touches! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my space. Yes, I love to be able to close the doors to my little space! :)

  9. I'm loving the flag as well Paula. And, I'm a sucker for hardwood floors. Used to have them in my childhood home and they are dearly missed. Thanks for sharing!

  10. that looks like a great place to blog!!
    The flag is awesome!! I love flags!!
    Keep bloggin!!

  11. I do love peeking into other's home - thanks for the glimpse!

  12. It is nice that you have surrounded yourself with meaningful items. That is the way a home should be.



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