Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Little Things

Have you ever noticed that it is the little things that make you happy?  This evening I took a break from lesson plans and paper grading to make cupcakes for my friend’s birthday.  We’ve been friends at school for a long time and I know she’ll be very happy with a cupcake surprise to celebrate her special day.

I truly believe that giving gives one just as much pleasure as receiving.  Does anyone else feel that way?

I think my friend will really like the leaf sprinkles that jazz up these cupcakes.


I love my Martha Stewart cupcake carrier that I purchased at Kmart years ago.  It really is quite large, but it looks small beside this gift bag.


Little things like doing something thoughtful for a friend make a person feel so good!


  1. She will LOVE them- I know I would! You're a great friend :)
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Cute, Paula! I know she will love them and the act of friendship you present by giving them to her!


  3. So cute Paula. And, yes, when you give, it is return to you at least 10 times over.

  4. Cute are a good friend. Carla

  5. Of course she will love them! And I agree--it's so much fun to give things like this! I LOVE to do little things for my friends--it makes me feel good to show that I think they're special. A win-win!

  6. OH, I totally agree!! Sometimes those little thoughtful things can turn a person's whole day around. :) The cupcakes are so pretty!

  7. I know I would love them so I am certain she would...who wouldn't? I love giving also and yes, it makes you get that great feeling inside.

    I am going to have to find that same cupcake tote. I love all Martha's stuff.

    I know I have missed your post but do understand. I am still trying to catch back up from where I left off. Have a great weekend!

  8. totally !! making someone smile is a great feeling. She will love those cuppie cakes.

  9. I'm with ya. It makes me feel so good to do just a little something for someone else, especially when it's unexpected! She'll love the cupcakes! YUM!


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