Friday, September 24, 2010

More Orchard Fun

We went back to Morris Orchard this past weekend for more apples.  It is such a treat to feast on apples fresh from the orchard.  Buying them at the orchard is quite economical, too.

I’ve told you before that Mr. SP can’t pass up an opportunity to love on a dog.  This fellow was quite content to be rubbed for a good long time.


The orchard had made several cute round bale animals since our last visit.

Who could be scared of spiders when they are as cute as this?IMG_0569

This poor caterpillar is eyeless.  I hope they’ll give him some eyes this week.IMG_0572

Being a Hokie girl, I had to pose with the turkeys.  We went to the orchard post tennis and I’m wearing a new tennis dress that Mr. SP surprised me with last weekend.  He’s such a sweetie!


I hope that this weekend will be as beautiful as last weekend.  We’re going to a party Saturday night where there’s live music and barbeque.  I’m really looking forward to that.  My cousin and I are going on a historic house tour downtown on Sunday afternoon.  This has become an annual tradition for us.  I look forward both to the tour and to the time I’ll get to spend with my cousin.

Have a great weekend!  


  1. It sounds as though you have great weekend plans. Enjoy!

  2. Paula, you and Mr. SP seem to do such fun things...always! You are looking mighty fine amongst those turkeys! LOL! Pretty outfit! :)


  3. How fun! Have a great weekend! Thanks for visiting a dash of parsley :)

  4. I can't WAIT to read about the historic home tour. Wow!!! Hope you have a great weekend, girl. :)

  5. Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to post to tell us all about it! Carla

  6. AAAHHHHH! I've seen the spider ones before BUT NEVER TURKEY ONES!!!

    oh Lord...that is very cool...hmmm...I need a roll of hay....

  7. Cute outfit! Yea Mr. SP! The orchard looks like fun - kind of like our pumpkin patch.

    Can't wait to hear about the party and especially the home tour! have a great weekend!

  8. Have a fab weekend Paula. Love the new tennis outfit. :)


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