Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekend Fun

I {heart} weekends.  This weekend was full of fun.  We took advantage of the beautiful weather both Friday and Saturday to enjoy some quality time on the tennis court. 

Due to the hot, dry summer that we’ve had, our yard was in desperate need of some TLC.  Raking, picking up sticks, and grass planting were our Saturday afternoon activities.  I was in hog heaven because my idea of a good time is sweating in the yard.

The landscaping company that did our driveway had a customer appreciation party Saturday night.  Say the magic words of barbeque and live band and I am there!  The party really started once the sun went down and the band fired up.  Two Mexican employees were dancing all by their lonesomes, so I joined them.  The next thing I knew, most of the party was dancing up a storm!  I think I may have a permanent invite to all of this company’s parties for helping to get the dancing started.  Boy was it fun! 

There were door prizes and I won this beautiful Endless Summer Hydrangea.  I was tickled pink to have been selected.


Isn’t the bloom beautiful??


Our local historical foundation has a house tour every fall.  This year the featured area was downtown.  Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed inside the homes.

Powell House (circa 1886)   Victorian decor, way too many do-dads for my taste.


Langhorne, Beck, Stokes House (circa 1852)   Lovely antiques, killer view of the mountains, basement kitchen…I could live here.


These two houses are side by side.  Here’s a view of both.


Can someone identify this plant?  My grandmother used to use pieces of it for flower arrangements for church.  It has very sharp thorns.  I took this photo from the back porch of the second house.


Isn’t the fruit interesting?


Bryant-Brightwell House (circa 1872)     This house reeked of cigarette smoke.  My cousin and I got out of there as quickly as we could.  The inside was unremarkable.


Payne-Perrow House (circa 1883)    This house was the best of the bunch.  It was full of to die for antiques and was exquisitely decorated.  The owner recently retired after running a florist and antique shop in town for years and years. 



Tyree-Slaughter House (circa 1856)    This house had a very interesting polygonal foyer with a staircase that spiraled to the second floor.  The ceiling in the foyer has a bright red and blue glass dome with paintings around it of cherubs, flowers, and clouds.  The painting was done in the early 1900’s.  A cupola on the outside of the home protects the dome. 


The fun part of the weekend is over as I now must tackle my school work.   I have a few demonstrations to do this week and I’ve got to get Mr. SP to help me to understand the “why’s” behind what happens.  I think I’d rather scrub something than think!   

What did you do this weekend that was fun?  Please share!   


  1. I would have loved to go on that tour! I have the same hydrangea..but in blue...

    have a great week...teachers are so important!! Jennifer

  2. Girl, you had a GOOD weekend! Love seeing the photos of the old homes, and yay for a free hydrangea! :)

  3. What a great weekend! Good for you.

    I'm so grateful for the weather to have FINALLY cooled down. Our weekend was pretty uneventful, although this afternoon hubby and I hiked six miles at Duke Forest rather than our usual three miles--a celebration of cooler temps!

    Wish I could come visit you and go to the apple orchard! And maybe you could show me some of your dance moves. :)

  4. Great weekend-parties,free plants, and homes to swoon over.
    Now for some nice rain!

  5. How fun! Our Junior League does something similar for Christmas. I can't believe that one home smelled like cigarette smoke - you think someone on the selection committee would have thought of that as a turn-off. Thanks for sharing!

    Aren't you a lucky duck for winning the hydrangea? It's beautiful.

    Speaking of Hog Heaven, the highlight of my weekend was the Alabama/Arkansas game. My Hogs lost but they put up a great score against the #1 ranked team.

    Have a great week! Looks like we are getting cooler temps finally - how about you?

  6. Paula, I love the hydrangea, what a great prize. I have to tell you that I am pea green with envy with all the historic homes you have at your disposal. Thanks so much for posting pictures for us. As Donna says "we dance for pictures".

  7. Congratulations on the hydrangea! I love home sounds like you had fun! Carla

  8. Could the mystery plant be a type of quince?

    Love the homw tour pictures. Thanks for sharing.


  9. Sounds like you partied HARD this weekend. Cool you won the hydrangea. They are soooo pretty! Love them!

    I HATE they wouldn't let you take pictures inside! I was just dying to see! I bet the florist/antique owner one was STUNNING on the inside! Lucky you!

  10. Glad you could fit in all these outdoor activities. Now for some nice showers of rain!

  11. I like the Tyree-Slaughter house a lot...awful name but...I think what you have there is a Bitter Orange...but I could be wrong...


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!