Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chili Cook-Off!

Saturday we attended a chili cook-off.  I love chili and had been looking forward to this event for a long time.  The event was held in Sedalia, a tiny community in the mountains of Bedford County.  The scenery here is spectacular.

The leaves, still pretty, must have been at their peak last weekend.


We tasted and tasted and narrowed our favorites down to three.


This year the crowd was huge!  Several competitors were out of chili by 2:30 which was sad because the event lasted until 5 pm.


One of my students was competing along with his family.  Isn’t he cute?


You can see in this picture that the trees on the mountains have already shed their leaves.  I used to do a training run on the mountain that you see behind me in this picture.  One of these days I’d like to get in condition to do that run again.


The chili cook-off was a fun Saturday event.  I don’t know who won, but we both voted for this guy who was one of our top three.  He ran out of chili early in the competition, so I doubt that he won, but his was super good.  He’ll be at another competition at the lake next weekend, so maybe he’ll win there.


When we were leaving we saw these cuties in a car and had to stop to say hello.  I am not a dog person at all, but if I could have a dog that wears bows, I just might like that. 


All that chili tasting really put me in a fall frame of mind.  There’s nothing like chili on a cool fall day!


  1. Great fun! I could eat my weight in chili!
    You would love Mr. Kahlo. He doesn't wear bows, though. He runs with our daughter. In fact, they are on the Shenadoahs running this morning and will meet me here around noon. THen, back for a final run before heading back to Richmond.

  2. I looooove chili! It definitely puts me in a fall mood! What lovely pictures. You and Mr. SP are too cute! That picture of you and your student is precious! I bet you are a great teacher!! So glad y'all had a good time!

  3. that looks like some good fun.
    I love Chilie too - I use my grandmothers old recipe for it, think of her every time I make it.

    & how cool to see one of your students there!!! There is nothing like a teachers support for a kids moral!

  4. I looove chili, but have never been to a cook-off. That sounds (and looks) like fun! Love the cute doggie pic at the end. You all sure have an abundance of pretty Fall leaves!

  5. That looks like so much fun!

    It's funny--we never eat chili in the spring or summer. It's a fall and winter food, isn't it? :)

  6. I love chili contests, this must have been a good one Paula. I actually have a big pot on the stove right now for all those from the family that will be here tonight to watch the Trick or Treater in our neighborhood.

  7. Looks like lots of fun!! Why didn't you invite me????????

  8. Oh I love a good bowl of chili! Looks like a lot of fun.


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