Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

How was your Halloween?  It was a gorgeous day here in Virginia.  I drove to Walnut Avenue today to visit with my mom, Susan, and Reese.  Susan is a Halloween baby, so not only were we celebrating Halloween, we were celebrating a birthday, too.

The drive to Walnut Avenue was incredibly beautiful.  I had my camera and wanted to stop, but never took the opportunity.  I really should have because the leaves were very pretty.

Reese wanted to trick-or-treat on Walnut Avenue this year and I was delighted because this is probably the only Halloween that I’ll ever see her in her costume on Halloween since she lives 2 1/2 hours from me.


I missed trick-or-treating fun on Walnut Avenue because I had to get home to hand out candy at my house.
I stopped at the top of Afton Mountain and took these two pictures on my way home.  This view shows the Waynesboro/Shenandoah side of the mountain:

Here’s the other side of the mountain showing the Afton/Rockfish Valley side:

Mr. SP and I decided to set up our trick-or-treating area outside this year.  We enjoyed adult beverages and then toasted marshmallows while we waited for little goblins to appear.  We mostly talked because we only had four groups of visitors!

I’m looking forward to hearing about your Halloween.  Was it a good one?


  1. Sounds like a great idea to sit out by the firepit and sip some good beverages and roast marshmallows!!! We didn't do anything....stayed in and didn't hand out any candy.

  2. Quiet, very quiet. Daughter came in from Richmond to hike, have lunch, and run 10 miles. Then off they went so be could batten down the hatch.
    Have a good week. We are transforming the store this week for Open House.

    BTW, connected with your mother on Facebook!

  3. Great idea to sit outside while waiting for your ghostly little visitors. Looks like you had a great day! A bunch of our neioghbors do that too, and they have so much fun!

  4. Love the picture from Waynesboro Paula and the picture of you family just warms my heart. We probably only had about 75 kids at the door last night which wasn't as many as usual.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful evening! Carla

  6. Reese looked so cute. :) Love the idea to set up your ToT area outside with the fire...cozy!! I can't believe you had only 4 groups come by. We had a lot of teens come through, which ticks T off...he only gives lollipops to people who are old enough to drive to the store and buy their own candy. ;)

    I'm hosting a Silhouette Product Giveaway today, and you don't have to own the machine to use the products...just scissors. ;) Hope you might stop by!

  7. That is a cute costume. It's like a little ruffle skirt at the bottom. I love your pictures of the view. It looks almost like a painting. We didnt do anything speccial yesterday. It's cold here in Michigan-around 45 degrees!

  8. Reese is such a cutie and what a great costume! Love it! Love the picture of Mr. SP by the fire. Very cool! Love your outside area!

  9. Beautiful pics from Afton Moutain. I drove to Newport News last week from my home town of Harrisonburg and the view was fabulous!


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