Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beach Weekend

We are enjoying a long weekend at the beach this weekend.  It's so nice to be curled up on the sofa blogging on a Sunday evening in the beach house and not be at home running around trying to get organized for the next week.

It was really windy here on both Friday and Saturday.  We missed the big surf on Friday, but went down to the beach on Saturday morning to see what was left of the wild waves.  They weren't as big as I'd hoped to see, but there were a lot of them and they were breaking way out.  I can't imagine being on or in the water with it that rough.

This morning I ran the Outer Banks Half Marathon.  It was a perfect morning for running:  cool, sunny, and not at all windy.  I didn't train for this event other than doing my normal six mile run in the woods a few times a week.  I intended to prepare by doing several long runs during September and October, but it didn't happen.  Even without proper training, I felt great and ran a consistent pace.  I was glad when it was over, but I could have continued running if need be.

I missed this super star but Mr. SP saw him and snapped a photo.  Can you imagine running 13 miles in this??

Runners as far as the eye can see!

Almost there! 

If you've read my blog for a while, have you noticed that I wear this top for every single race?  The brand is Sugio and it is the most comfortable top that I own for running.  I wish it were a tad bit longer, for it was designed back in the bare your belly fashion days.

Happy to be at the end! 
There were signs all along the OBX welcoming runners and wishing them good luck.  If you are looking for a 2011 fall marathon or half marathon, this race is a good one.  We'll be back in April to run the Flying Pirate Half which is the first half of the marathon course (the better half, imo).

We did bunches of shopping while we were here.  I treated myself to a pair of Sanita clogs, a new pair of Sperry Topsiders, and a new pair of Reefs.  I also found Christmas presents for both my sister in law and her husband, a favorite little cousin, and one small thing for Reese.  I love checking things off my shopping list!  I found a few thrifty treasures, but I'll save those for another post.

We'll leave bright and early in the morning. On our way out of town we are taking a tennis lesson with a local pro.  We took a lesson with him when we were here in June and enjoyed it so much that we want to learn a few more things from this guy.  Maybe we'll be able to apply what we learn so we can kick some booty in our next USTA match.

We are off to dinner.  This is the life!  I love weekends away - it's just what the doctor ordered!


  1. Its hard to imagine you are at the beach and I'm looking out the window waiting for the snow to start. Congratulations on your run, I'll make sure to tell Kim and Dustin.

  2. Congratulations on your half marathon! I must brag a bit and tell you about DD's 31+ mile trail run in Rock Creek Park run last Sunday. It took her over 7 hours, but she said she finished, and that was great! Needless to say, she did not run the Richmond races this weekend.
    Have a great week!

  3. Congrats on your run! I'd love to be at the Outer Banks, but I'll skip the half marathon :-)

  4. I would trade weekends with you in a heartbeat except for maybe the running part. ;) But you looked great. Congrats on finishing and doing well. I wish I had some names to cross off my Christmas list!!! ;)

  5. I'd love to be at the beach right now!! Hope you are heaving the best time...and congratulations on the marathon!


  6. Paula you are in awesome shape! You go girl. I'm a terrible runner but I try.

    Have a wonderful time at the beach.
    Enjoy! ~Melissa :)

  7. Congratulations Paula! What an accomplishment. I'm glad you're having such a great time. I wanted to let you know that I finally did that post on the giveaway goodies I won. If you get a chance please come by and accept my thanks! Have a great week!

  8. So glad that you had such a nice weekend. Congrats on your run. I really wish I could do that. You have inspired me....I think I'll hit the treadmill now! Carla

  9. WOW, looks like you are having a great time Ÿ


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