Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Kitchen

I {heart} my kitchen.  An addition to our home a few years ago took my kitchen from tiny to the kitchen of my dreams.  I enjoy adding a few decorations here and there in the kitchen with each season.  A favorite decorating spot is the shelves on either end of the cabinets.  To the left is my Santa boot collection and to the right are small Lenox Holiday pieces, a collection started in high school.
The chalk Santa on the top shelf and the plastic skier Santa were my grandmother’s.  The boots were purchased in antique stores over the years.
Each Lenox piece was a gift.  It’s nice when you collect something because it makes it easy for friends and relatives to pick out something you’ll like!
I enjoy hanging a seasonal tea towel on my stove.  This one was purchased at the King Arthur Flour store in Vermont.
My newest Christmas decoration purchase is an egg nog set that I found last weekend for $18.  I couldn’t pass it up for that price.  The cookie cutters were my grandmother’s, the Santa mug was my great-aunt’s, and the Santa ornament was my brother’s first ornament, given to him by my grandmother when he was a newborn in the hospital.
Looking this way you can see my second Christmas punch bowl set.  I think I just may have started a new collection.
The other side of the kitchen hold my very favorite appliance, the coffee pot. 
I used more of my Lenox and a vintage flower pot to add a Christmas touch to the coffee area.
Are you ready for the weekend?  I sure am!  It has been a week of longggggg days and I’m definitely ready for some down time.  I also am looking forward to blog reading.  I’ve had almost zero reading time this week and I can’t wait to catch up with my favorite bloggers this weekend. 

I'm sharing at Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Reading Party.  Click the button to join the fun!
Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. OMG! You and I have the same cabinets-cherry-to the ceiling! My hardware is different.
    I love your Santa boot collection! I have seen your other posts this week, but I haven't really had time to comment. Your house is just dear! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Beautiful kitchen, Paula! I love how you've incorporated all of the sentimental pieces in with new additions.

  3. The eggnog set is so adorable!

  4. Gorgeous kitchen and I love your decorations. I just saw a Tom and Jerry punchbowl set and it was definitely more than $18!

  5. The cutest Christmas punch bowls ever!

    Nice job decorating the kitchen. Does it just make you happy every time you walk in?

  6. I have seen these eggnog sets before & the punch set and have oohed & ahhed about them. You have started a sweet collection. Enjoyed looking around your beautiful kitchen. You have surrounded yourself with wonderful memories from the past.

  7. I heart your kitchen too - - - I especially love that you kept warm woods in there. Paint is OK for some - - - but I love the "real" of wood.

    I'm envious of that hardwood floor!

  8. Your kitchen is just beautiful, Paula, and I LOVE your touches of Christmas here! I'm not sure what's my favorite thing--I love Lenox Holiday, and those Santa boots are adorable, but maybe the punch bowl and eggnog set are my faves. . . . Love it all!

  9. What a great kitchen! I love how big it is! I also really like your Lenox collection!


  10. I love it..every single thing! I must say I'm partial to the Santa boot collection and I love the way you have them displayed.

  11. I know what you mean by weekly blog reading..been a hectic week for me also.

    Love your kitchen...very nice with all teh Christmas your Santa Mug...I started coleecting those and have some boots from when I was a child. I also have the ole Santa's that stood on a stand...I plan on blogging about some of the old decor that has been passed down to me.

    Love the Eggnog set...never seen one of these.

    Have a nice downtime will be a busy one for me.

  12. You have a beautiful kitchen! I love all of your vintage collections.

  13. Beautifully decorated! I especially love the vintage punch set. I've never seen a set like that.

  14. Paula, I heart your kitchen too! Your vintage pieces look perfect and I know how much you enjoy collecting each of them.

  15. Your kitchen is so beautiful, I truly love it all. Love all your sentimental Christmas treasures! Just gorgeous!

  16. So fun! I adore all the red and green touches for the season. By the way, your actual kitchen is stunning! The backsplash is awesome!

  17. First of all, I am so in love with your stove!! OH MY! Love it! Your entire kitchen is gorgeous. I love your collections. Your new/old Santa boots you bought look adorable with the rest of your collection. I think they're my favorite, but it's all pretty. Love the towel on the stove too!

  18. I'm here from Serenity Now... Just wanted to say that I LOVE your kitchen! Also, all the Christmas decorations you have from family members are so special! I especially love your Egg Nog set and the Christmas punch bowl set. I've never seen any like them!

    Merry Christmas!

  19. Love the santa boots they are so cute together.

  20. Ooooh, you lucky thing, having the kitchen of your dreams. It looks completely classic and lovely. I bet you'll love it just as much in ten years time....and it's HUGE!!

    I'm *your* newest follower!


  21. Paula, your kitchen is soooo pretty! And so big too. I am jealous. ;) Love the cute little Christmas mugs. :)

  22. Love your kitchen :)
    Christmas collections are the best.
    And, thanks for your support regarding Shelby.
    The whole thing is kinda wacky, but will make sure I use no images that are "owned" from now on!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!