Monday, December 13, 2010

Ornament Gifts for Friends

Who doesn’t love a handmade gift?   This year I was inspired by this post to make washer ornaments.  I think that my friends will be quite happy with what I created.

To make these ornaments, I followed the directions from the link above but made a few changes.
Supplies Needed: 
~Washers – I got mine at Lowes.
~Stamp Kit – Mine was purchased at Harbor Freight over the summer
~Baby Wipe
~Strong glue – I used E600.  The directions in the link above don’t include glue.  They let the ribbon hold the ornaments together, but doing that hid some of my stamping, so I glued the two washers together exactly where I wanted them.
Start by stamping the washers.  I sat on the basement floor and pounded away.  Be sure to buy a few extra washer because you are bound to have a few failed attempts.
One washer at a time, go over the stamping with a black Sharpie.  Immediately wipe clean with a baby wipe.  The marker will make your stamped letters pop.
Next glue the washers together.
After the glue dries, tie on the ribbon and you’re done.


This is a quick and easy gift that I think my friends will really like! 

I'm sharing for Tutorial Tuesday at  Hope Studios.


  1. How creative and cute! I would love to receive that as a gift! Lucky friends!

  2. Okay, those are really cool! I predict they'll be a real hit with the lucky recipients! :)

  3. What a cute idea ~ love this! Printing this idea for next year.

  4. What a great idea. I know I'd love receiving one of those.

  5. What a fun and cute keepsake, Paula!!! Those are great. :)

  6. Yes, very clever! I have a washer packet on my desk as I type. I bought it with the intention of making decoupage necklaces. Now, that I see your idea, I may have to make a trip to HF and see if they have a stamp set.

  7. This is so cute and unique! I found you through Tutorial Tuesday...I'm your new follower!


  8. What a cute idea -- I really like how these turned out. Thanks for sharing.

  9. This would be the perfect gift to send my family in Norway. I have long wanted to buy those stamps but I just haven't found the money to do so, but if I make this as Christmasgifts for my family they would pay themselves in what I would save in postage to Norway.
    Awesome idea.
    Thank you for sharing at Holly Bloggy.

  10. love this idea!! come link up tomorrow to handmade tuesdays if you have a chance!

  11. I saw the same post you referred to and made these as well! Everyone I gave them to LOVED them and asked me how I made them! What a great inexpensive personal gift.


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