Thursday, May 31, 2012

Garlic–It’s Time to Harvest!

Last summer I wrote a post on how to harvest garlic and in the fall I wrote about how to plant it.  This past weekend I noticed that my garlic is ready to harvest.
Garlic Ready to be Harvested

How do I know?  Look for these clues:  blooms and yellowing foliage. 

My plan is to dig up a clump or two to see if the cloves have separated and if they haven’t, then I’ll let it mature a week or two more and then harvest it.

If you have garden space, consider growing your own garlic.  It’s easy, inexpensive, and you’ll end up with a supply that you can use for both cooking and for replanting in fall.  Another bonus is that it’s completely deer-proof.

We love garlic and I use it frequently in my kitchen.  What’s your opinion?  Do you like or dislike it?

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  1. I've just planted some garlic earlier this Spring but it doesn't look anything like yours! I didn't know it was deer resistant as well - bonus!!

  2. Garlic is my favorite! Unfortunately, I've read that I can't grow it where I'll be next year, since it doesn't have enough evenings with below freezing temperatures :(. I never knew that garlic was so pretty!

  3. Mine don't have the blossoms at the top but the leaves are starting to turn yellow. Hubby says some creature has been slowly pilfering them I think it might be a squirrel or a groundhog? We're anxious though to get them out of the ground, do you think we should wait until they get a blossom? I'll be very sad if they don't turn out right. Thx for your help along the way.

  4. Garlic is my favorite ingredient and use it all the time. Since it is deer-proof I must plant some.

  5. Really? I should have had Hubby plant some garlic. That is really cool! I put garlic in almost everything. Love it!


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