Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Lake Visit that Didn’t go as Planned

On Sunday afternoon we decided to take the boat to the lake so that it would be ready to enjoy over Memorial Day weekend.  What should have been a relatively simple task wasn’t.

We used a crappy ramp that’s just across the cove from our dock to put the boat into the water.  No problems getting the boat in, no problems when I parked the car, and the boat started up like a champ.  Yeah!  It was sunny and pretty and we just knew we’d have a great afternoon on the lake.

We headed over to our dock to make sure that the lift worked before we took a joy ride.  I get out to lower the lift and it won’t work.  Drat!  Mr. SP gets the ladder out, climbs up into the attic to grease the lift parts, and it still won’t work.  Drat!  He inspects it and realizes that we have no power.  Drat!  We walk up the hill to where our box is and can’t find anything that’s wrong but we do notice that our driveway washed out during heavy rains last week.  Drat!  We’ll have to get someone in to fix it this week because we invited guests to visit this weekend.  A nice neighbor noticed that we were having trouble and came to our dock on his golf cart.  Mr. SP went off with him to visit another neighbor who is an electrician.  It’s now pouring rain and our boat isn’t covered, so I hunker down in the storage room.  This was actually kind of pleasant;  I sat in my chair and watched the rain.  Mr. SP finally came back and now knows where the nice boat ramp is in the neighborhood.  We’ve been paying neighborhood association fees and we didn’t even know where the nice ramp was located.  Drat!  Mr. SP takes me to our car via the boat, I drive to the nice ramp, and we load the boat to take back home.  (At this point I was glad that I wasn’t spending the night in the little boat house room.)  Mr. SP arranged for the nice electrician neighbor to check on our problem on Monday.  Thank goodness for nice, helpful neighbors.  Two definitely came to our rescue today and we’ll have to make our rounds with a cooler very soon to thank them.

We were rewarded with a beautiful sky at the nicer boat ramp.

This ramp isn’t fancy but it is a drastic improvement over the one we've been using.  The nice electrician’s dock is beside the ramp.  He and his wife were on their dock enjoying the evening when we loaded our boat.


Mr. SP snapped this photo on our way home.  It’s a mile or so from our property.

It wasn’t the day that we planned, but at least we discovered our problems with time to take care of them before guests come on Saturday.  We have a birthday party planned and it would have been disastrous if a car without four wheel drive went down our driveway in its current state.  SML must have had torrential rains last week. 

I sure hope our next lake day is a less adventurous one!

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  1. You can't put a price on nice neighbors. Here's hoping your electrical and driveway issues are minor ones.

  2. I hope all the wrinkles get smoothed out before Monday. Have a nice weekend!

  3. Well it wasn't a total loss, you met some nice people and realized the problems at the dock before the holiday.

  4. It's always something, isn't it? I tend to grit my teeth before we go on adventures, worrying about what might pop up. SO glad you guys found a nicer ramp!

  5. Every neighborhood at the lake has to have at least one neighbor who knows how to fix things. (It's never us - we're the ones who need help.) I hope everything works this weekend.

  6. Wow, how beautiful the lake is Paula. I'm glad it all worked out.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to you!

  7. Happy Birthday Paula! Glad you got all the kinks worked out last weekend and enjoy your special day. It sounds like a lot of fun.


  8. Hopefully all goes well this weekend. What beautiful photos. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful spot with so much GREEN! I'm envious!

  9. Hi Paula! what a beautiful place! Glad to hear it all worked out!!
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day and thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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