Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My 43rd Birthday Weekend

Saturday was my 43rd birthday.  Since it was my birthday and Memorial Day weekend, we decided to have a small family party to celebrate both.

A birthday isn’t a birthday without cake!  Mr. SP and I enjoyed a pre-birthday cake on Friday, Mama made a cake for my birthday on Saturday, and my sweet friend Elsie made Pinterest inspired tennis cupcakes for a party on Sunday.
Cake Collage

At the lake party on Saturday, the guys did some swimming while the girls watched.
Smith Mountain Lake Float

There was sitting, relaxing, and fishing.
Smith Mountain Lake Relaxing

And of course there was boating!
Smith Mountain Lake Boating

While we were boating we spotted the Smith Mountain Lake ice cream boat and stopped for a treat.

There was plenty of eating at the dock, too.
Smith Mountain Lake Eating

It was a wonderful birthday and I was so happy that family could help me celebrate.

If you are wondering about presents, I was completely spoiled.  One of my favorites was from Mr. SP.   We love to watch Big Bang Theory and I especially love to sing “Soft Kitty.”  Mama and I love to sing it, too.  (If you don’t watch Big Bang Theory, then you won’t get this at all.)  Mr. SP got Mama and me matching soft kitty coffee mugs and I got a shirt.  I can’t wait to wear it!

My big present from Mr. SP is quite romantic.  When we go to Vermont at Christmas, we like to shop at a jewelry store in Woodstock.  Mr. SP has spoiled me with two rings from this shop as Christmas presents two different years.  This past Christmas I fell in love with a necklace but I wouldn’t let Mr. SP buy it for me.  Sneaky Mr. SP bought it later and saved it for my birthday.  It’s new but looks vintage and it’s made by the same person who made my rings.  I have the most thoughtful husband.

Our friends have a tennis court in their back yard and they invited a few of us over for a party on Sunday.  We played, ate, and talked.  It was so much fun to relax with friends on a Sunday evening without the worry of work on Monday.
Memorial Day Tennis Party

After playing Saturday and Sunday, Monday was chore day, mostly spent in the yard.  A day in the yard is pure pleasure for me and it was the perfect end to a most wonderful birthday weekend.

I hope you had a good weekend, too!

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  1. I knew we had a lot in common besides the lake: my birthday was Sunday, we worked in the yard on Saturday, my thoughtful husband bought me Jewelry - a Chamilia birthstone charm. But no Soft Kitty shirt although we watch Big Bang Theory every night. Fun post, Paula and wonderful action-packed photos. Have a good week and enjoy the countdown to summer.

  2. Happy Birthday! Love your tshirt!!!

  3. What a fantastic birthday weekend! Can't wait to see the photos of your necklace one day!

  4. What a fun weekend! Happy belated birthday, Paula. :) The ice cream boat is such a fun idea--too cool!

  5. Happy birthday! I enjoyed reading your post with all the fun that was packed into it. Loved the idea of the kitty t-shirt as a gift. I also watch BBT and enjoy it tremendously. But nothing is as grand a gift as the love you had surrounding you on you birthday!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday weekend with family.....Your cupcakes are adorable! What a nice surprise from your husband!

  7. What a wonderful birthday you had! It was certainly a beautiful weekend at the lake. We didn't take the boat out Sat. plus my brother didn't know where your "cove" was, but thank you for the kind invitation.
    I am envious of your soft kitty tshirt. I'll be on on the look out for one of those.
    I'm glad you had a great weekend.

  8. 43??! You don't look a day over 30!! Happy belated birthday. Looks like you indeed got spoiled big time, but you deserve it! Hugs :)

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! Glad to see it was such a wonderful one spent with family and friends! :)

    PS...You don't look 43, more like 33! :)

  10. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  11. Happy Late Birthday!!!! It looks like y'all had a great time at the lake. I've never seen an ice cream boat before. COOL! Sounds like you got spoiled with cakes/cupcakes and presents. What a sweet Hubby you have to get that necklace and especially to keep it a secret that long. My Hubby would've spilled within a day.

    Love the Soft Kitty shirt and mug! Hilarious!!! I love Big Bang Theory!!

  12. Happy, Happy Belated Birthday! I'm so glad you had such a fun weekend and celebrating with family too. My mother used to make my favorite cake for me, Italian Cream Cake, and I still miss that sweet gesture. She's been gone almost 10 yrs and was ill for several yrs prior so it's funny how that special memory is still so prevalent in my mind.

    Yes, I'd say Mr SP is definitely a keeper! What a wonderful gift and so very thoughtful. I don't know how he waited...it would have killed me. :-)

    Great photos!

  13. P.S. I definitely watch the Big Bang Theory. LOL

  14. P.S. I definitely watch the Big Bang Theory. LOL

  15. Happy, happy birthday, Paula!!! Sounds like a perfect way to celebrate! I love that you have a close extended family (like I do). We're very lucky! We were also on the lake for Memorial Day Wknd and it definitely felt like summer! You have such a thoughtful husband and he has a thoughtful wife, too!

  16. Happy Belated Birthday Paula! Sorry I missed the actual day but looks like you had a blast! And ice cream boat? Wow...I'd never heard of that. I love Big Bang Theory so I totally understand and love that t-shirt...what a great guy Mr. SP is :)


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