Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fall Table Runner and Osage Oranges

Drop Cloth Fall Table Runner
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Last year I crafted an easy table runner for fall and thought it was too plain.  To give it an update, I added a green ruffle.  No more plain Jane.  Now my fall runner is styling!
Fall runner Before and After

Last year:

This year:
Fall Runner 2012

A ruffle jazzes it up just enough!
Fall Runner

A bowl of Osage Oranges coordinates with the runner and definitely says “It’s September”.  I gather Osage Oranges every year from a tree on city property.  I wonder if I’m the only person in town who does this?
Fall Runner Update1

Osage Oranges have a particular smell and rot fairly quickly.  I’ve learned that I have to keep my eye on my arrangement and compost the rotten ones fairly quickly.
Osage Oranges

In a few weeks I will replace the Osage Oranges with gourds.  I love gourds and can’t wait to purchase some for decorating.
Fall Runner with Osage Oranges
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  1. The runner is adorbs Paula! Great job. I love osage oranges, just wish I could find good fake ones! LOL

  2. How pretty, Paula! I love the look of your Osage oranges! I wish we had some nearby because I would certainly gather them. The extra touches to your runner are perfect! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Pretty pretty! You know I love me some ruffles. Adds some pep and pizzazz! ;)

  4. Very pretty, Paula! I love the ruffle! I've never heard of osage oranges...can you eat them? They are great to display!


  5. The runner was pretty before, but the ruffle really upped it a notch or two ...beautiful! I've never heard of Osage Oranges, but they are the perfect accessory for your fall runner! :)

  6. Now this I is pretty, and I like the colors. ;P

    I like the runner much better with the ruffle.

  7. Hi Paula, your table runner is so pretty, love the added ruffle. I have seen those Osage Oranges but never knew their name.

    Thanks for visiting.

  8. The ruffle makes the runner even more fabulous! Visiting from Stone Gable.


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