Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our Weekend Project

Now that I’m back in school, projects and chores get completed on the weekend or not at all.  We recently noticed that a cherry tree between our house and the house next door had died.  Since our turf will be repaired at the end of the month, we decided that we should take this tree down immediately to avoid damaging our future new grass.

You can see the dead tree in the center of the picture below.  If you are wondering what those odd Caddyshack-like mounds are on the lawn, they are where we filled in some of the ruts left by the tree truck in July with soil.  At the end of the month this area will be tilled, a dump truck of soil will be spread out, and new grass will be planted. 
Dead Cherry Tree Before Removal
View of Dead Cherry Tree

Looking from the back of the house, the dead tree sticks out like a sore thumb.  This part of our yard is completely dead from the storm damage.  A few shrubs are alive here and there and that’s about it for green growth.  We plan to landscape this area with mostly native plants and to not have any grass.
Dead Cherry Tree2

Mr. SP cut the tree down with a chain saw and I hauled branches to the street.  Working together we had the tree down and completely cleaned up in less than two hours.
Dead Cherry Tree - Cutting it upDead Cherry Tree Down

I bought the VT hat that I’m wearing for my dad when I was in college.  It was always his “nice” hat that he wore out and about.  After he died, Mama let me have it and I almost always wear it when I do yard work.  When I wear it, I think of him.
Dead Cherry Tree Removal

Our neighbor doesn’t enjoy working in his yard and does the bare minimum of work.  His backyard is really overgrown.  I was thrilled on Saturday to discover that he’s started to clean this area out.  A wall that I’ve never seen was revealed!
Wall in Neighbor's Yard

You can see that he still has a lot of cleaning out to do.
Wall in Neighbor's Yard2

The picture below was taken in August.  Note that there’s no sign of a wall in our neighbor’s yard. 
Neighbor's house before clean-up

The fence on our property line was damaged by the storm.  Next weekend’s project is to start to rebuild the damaged sections and to extend the fence up the hill so that it stops between the two houses on the front side.  This most likely will be a several weekends worth of work.  The Azaleas in front of the fence are going as are the ones in the old landscape bed.  Now that the yard is no longer shady, it’s too sunny for them and the deer won’t leave them alone.  I can’t wait to see grass growing in the backyard again. 
Our Next Project
Slowly but surely our yard is coming back to life.  Another recent project was renting a wood splitter to split the wood that the tree guys left for us to use this winter.  That was hard work but will be well worth the effort this winter when we enjoy warm fires in the fireplace.
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  1. Your yard projects are some of my favorite blogs, so I'm looking forward to watching this yard come back to life - even though it's more work for you.

  2. You're rolling along! I actually really like that wall in the neighbor's yard. A pity he's only just now rediscovering it!

  3. I am impressed. You got a lot done and you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather!

  4. Things are really shaping up with all your yard work! Doesn't it feel great to see all your hard work pay off?

  5. That wall is just beautiful! You've really inspired your neighbor, haven't you?! Love the story about your dad's hat too. The yard looks terrific!

  6. WOW! 2 hours, I'm very impressed. We still have yet to move the trunk pieces from our backyard to the front. I did a lot of weeding on Saturday, made some progress but still have a long way to go. It's been greatly lately to work outside, I'm sure your yard will be back to normal real soon. I love the story about your cap, it's precious!

  7. Wow, what a job.....I am impressed!!! Y'all got it done in a hurry, too!!!

  8. That there yard is a lot of work, but it's really nice! That's sweet that you are wearing your dad's hat.


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