Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall Blooming Bulbs

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Saturday is the first day of fall meaning that my favorite season, summer, has only three days left.  It’s really looking and feeling like fall around here.  The leaves on the trees, while still green, are getting that dried, crunchy look.  A few trees have even started to change, but not enough to be pretty.  The mornings and evenings have been much cooler and quite pleasant.  Sadly, the days are much shorter, by 7:30 it’s dark.  A sure sign that it’s fall is to see Colchicums blooming in my yard.


My grandmother gave me a few Colchicum bulbs years ago.  If you don’t have a pass-along source for bulbs, check your local garden center.  They should be in stock right now.  The foliage and bloom of this bulb is deer proof and I’ve never had a problem with voles eating the bulb.  Green foliage comes up in the spring and dies back by summer.  Fall rewards the gardener with brilliant blooms.

My grandmother also shared her fall crocus with me.  Unfortunately the bulk of my bulbs were destroyed by the tree trucks that had to run over a flower bed to get access to the backyard  in July and August .  I haven’t given up hope and if a bloom or two emerges from the horribly compacted soil, I’ll be thrilled.
Fall Crocus

My mums have lots of big buds and should start blooming soon.  This weekend I’m hoping to buy pansies to plant in a few containers on the deck and patio.  When pansies arrive at the garden center, it’s fall for sure.

How will you spend the last three days of summer?  I'll be in school during the day, but after school I have three summer afternoons left where  I hope to mow the grass, enjoy an afternoon run, and perhaps play a bit of tennis with friends.
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  1. I love crocus!!! I had no idea they bloomed in cool. :)

  2. I love pansies and look forward to planting them. With a friend who owns a wholesale nursery, I'm able to buy LOTS of pansies. However, my Vinca look so good right now that I hate pulling them up yet. (By the way, I finally got around to trying your Tequila Lime Chicken recipe. OUTSTANDING! The chicken was moist and so flavorful.)

  3. Your flowers are so pretty! It's nice to see something blooming this time of year. I have planted pots of pansies in the past and this year would be great because I lost so many pots of flowers to the heat. The only thing is, cleaning up and putting away the pots when the weather drops down to the thirties!! Yuk!


  4. so are those the regular crocus bulbs? they look great, and give a definite pop of color to a fall garden.

  5. so pretty ... but I can't find your google+ and stumble buttons??? pretty for fall!!

  6. I have never heard of Colchicums... they look a little like crocus. How pretty! I love that you got these from your grandmother!

  7. Gorgeous colour, such a pretty bulb, I've never heard of it before.



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