Friday, September 21, 2012

Singles Friday at Kelly’s Corner

Singles Friday_Button
Every once in a while, Kelly at Kelly’s Corner has a link party with the goal of helping single girls and guys make a love connection.  Kelly’s party has been responsible for several marriages.  I have a friend who hasn’t found just the right guy and I wondered if Kelly’s party might be helpful.  With her permission, I’m joining Kelly’s party with the hope that my friend might meet Mr. Right.

This is my dear friend, Elsie.  Elsie is one of the smartest, kindest women that I know.  I met Elsie through tennis and we love playing doubles together.  Elsie is a skilled tennis player and she’s very strategic, a skill I lack.  We are all smiles when we won second place in a charity tournament.

Elsie started her career as a 6th grade teacher and then became a school psychologist.  Would you believe that she’s 44?  Elsie is rocking her 40’s!  She’s a UVA alumna.  Yes, a Hokie and a Wahoo are very good friends!

Elsie has no human children but she does have a Great Dane that she spoils rotten.  Lucy is a gentle beast who doesn’t know she’s really a dog.
Don’t worry, Lucy doesn’t always wear pearls!

Elsie is always up for an adventure.  A fun, local event that we love to hit is a chili cook-off.  Last year there were some delicious ones to try.

Speaking of cooking, Elsie is very skilled.  She loves to host both our supper club and also special ladies night dinners.  Her food is always excellent.  She made these adorable tennis cupcakes for me on my birthday.
Elsie's Cupcakes

Here we are with friends at a fun Memorial Day party.
Memorial Day Tennis Party

Elsie made this awesome cake for our Christmas Eve dinner last year.  Elsie’s brothers and sisters live out of state and I love it that she’s spent the past two Christmas Eve nights at my house.

Elsie loves to travel and went to Italy last fall.  If time off from work and money weren’t obstacles, Elsie would certainly travel the world. 390189_10150453030727375_854652848_n

Elsie is very active in her church and serves as a deacon.  She's also taught Sunday school to middle schoolers.

Elsie's voice is amazing!  Not only can she sing, she also can play both the piano and guitar.  For a short while she was in a small band who performed locally.

Elsie is a catch!  It would thrill me to no end if this post led to a love connection or to  a new friend for Elsie. 

If you’d like to connect with Elsie, please comment.  If you are interested and too shy to comment, send an email by clicking the contact button at the top of the page and I’ll contact you.

And of course if anyone wants to comment about how cute Elsie is, that would be fine, too!

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