Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Perfect October Saturday

This past Saturday was gorgeous in our area.  The temperature was in the 70’s and the skies were perfectly clear.  We started the day by going for a run and then did a bit of gardening.  I've been itching to get some pansies planted.  Pansies will soon brighten the pots the kitchen door, the planters hanging from the deck, and the planter leading to the screened porch.

I don’t have a potting bench and always make do here.  It’s nice not to have to squat down or bend over too much.
Pansy Planting

I hope these will grow quickly.  I found the Old Virginia brick under our Magnolia tree this summer.  I’m not sure how it got there, but I like it and have it on display.  It needs a small pumpkin on top of it!
Pansies by Porch

After gardening, we headed to the lake thinking it would be a perfect day for dock sitting and a boat ride.  It was pleasant to sit on the dock but it was cold!  Instead of boating, we decided to visit a Bedford County orchard.
Freezing at the Lake

We decided to visit Johnson’s Orchards since we’d never been there.  The drive there offered beautiful mountain views.  Sharp Top is to the left and Flat Top to the right.  Both are great hikes.
Sharp Top and Flat Top

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Johnny Appleseed greets visitors to the orchard.
Johnny Appleseed

The trees were loaded with apples.
Apples at Johnson Orchard
Johnson Orchard

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Apples of many varieties were available for purchase.  Mr. SP picked Gala.
Apples at Johnsons

Johnson Orchard makes fruit wine and we were lucky enough to be able to taste.
Wine Tasting

This guy was a real character and had us laughing the entire time.
Wine Tasting2

It was a tough choice to decide what to purchase.  We ended up with just two, blackberry cobbler and light pear.  I don’t like pears at all but love pear wine.
Peaks of Otter Wines

Gross’ Orchard was on our way home, so we decided to visit there, too.  They have a great store that’s fun to browse.
Gross' Orchard

I’m not that fond of Gala apples, so I was happy to purchase a bag of Honeycrisp for my lunch this week.Gross' Orchard Honeycrisp

We ended the day with a fire outside and roasting marshmallows.
Fire Pit

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It was pretty much a perfect fall Saturday!

What’s your idea of a perfect fall Saturday?

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Grace at Home at Imparting Grace


  1. Certainly was a nice way to spend a crisp fall day! :)

  2. That does sound like a fun day. I hope you "Kissed the Devil" at the winery. We spent Saturday on the Charity Home Tour at SML.

  3. I guess you needed the fire! What a nice way to spend the day. I love visiting farms and orchards! Your pansies look great. I haven't planted mine yet!

  4. What a beautiful fall day. The orchard area looks gorgeous!

  5. I want to come spend a fall Saturday with you - what fun! Thanks for welcoming me back! I've missed all my online friends and hope to fall back (ha) into an online routine. You look GREAT, by the way. :)

  6. looks like a great day! i love fruit wine! yum!

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day! I had to laugh at the dock photo. That's me every morning on my screened porch! My husband thinks I'm crazy but I like to sit outside and drink my coffee and I'll do it until it really get's uncomfortably cold!

  8. It looks like the perfect fall day! And ooooh the wines sound delish!


  9. What a wonderful day you had, Paula! I love seeing pictures of your mountains, they are just breathtaking! Illinois is very flat you know! I love apples this time of year and like a mix of them to make pies. Hubby was at our lake putting summer things away, I'm glad I didn't go, it was cold!!!


  10. Oh what a perfect day! Love the flowers and the beautiful fall scenery

  11. Looks like a wonderful way to spend a Saturday!


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