Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Anemones

Fall Anemone

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Many years ago my grandmother shared her fall blooming Anemones with me.  It’s been a few years since I’ve enjoyed these because the deer find them mighty tasty.  This year I kept a patch sprayed with Liquid Fence and am being rewarded with pretty fall blooms.
Fall Anemones1

These look especially nice with Solidaga Fireworks Golden Rod in the background.
Fall Anemones2

So pretty!  Look at all of the buds.  These will bloom for a while.
Fall Anemones with Fireworks Soledega in BackgroundFall Anemones with Fireworks Soledega in Background2Fall Anemones with Fireworks Soledega in Background3

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Mums, Asters, Goldenrod, and Anemones all combine to make one pretty fall display.


  1. Gorgeous!! And great photos too, Paula! :)

  2. Beautiful photos! Popping over from Serenity Now. Thank you for your kind words on her introduction of my blog Pinner Takes All.


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